Madhya Pradesh, lovingly referred to as the “Tiger State of India,” is a treasure trove of wildlife and natural beauty. With its lush forests, serene landscapes, and a thriving population of the Royal Bengal Tiger, Madhya Pradesh has become a sanctuary for wildlife enthusiasts and conservationists alike. In this blog, we will take you on […]
Starting November 1, Exclusively CNG and Electric Buses Permitted in the Delhi-NCR Area.
Starting from November 1, a new directive will come into effect in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR), restricting the operation of buses to only those running on Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), electric power, and BS-VI compliant diesel fuel. This important decision, affecting both government and privately-owned buses, has been communicated to the governments of Haryana, […]
OSRTC Introduced 1745 New Diesel Buses In Its Fleet
The Odisha State Road Transport Corporation (OSRTC) has recently unveiled an ambitious plan to introduce a total of 1,745 diesel buses to its existing fleet. This strategic decision forms a crucial part of OSRTC’s ongoing mission to modernize its transportation infrastructure. By welcoming these new diesel buses into its ranks, the corporation aims to achieve […]