Andhra Pradesh: During the Ugadi festival season, the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) plans to operate 200 special buses, as announced by RTC Kurnool regional manager T. Sreenivasulu on Saturday. These special services are scheduled to commence on April 8 and will run until April 15. The APSRTC buses will cover various routes, […]
News Alert: APSRTC Witnesses Significant Surge in Bus Booking during the Dasara festival.
Vijayawada: The demand for APSRTC bus reservation tickets during the Dasara festival season is skyrocketing, especially among Telugu individuals residing in other states. Many have secured their tickets to travel to Andhra Pradesh and partake in the festive celebrations alongside their family, friends, and relatives. APSRTC, known for its regular services to diverse destinations, is […]