In a groundbreaking move, GreenCell Mobility’s acclaimed electric bus service, NueGo, is thrilled to announce the expansion of its services to now include the Delhi-Shimla route. This strategic expansion marks a significant leap forward in providing enhanced intercity travel choices for tourists in the region. Launched in 2022, NueGo has rapidly broadened its network across […]
TSRTC Plans To Launch the 1,860 Electric Buses
The Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) is taking a significant stride towards revolutionizing long-distance travel with the introduction of ultra-luxury, premium, and express electric buses. Already operating ten electric air-conditioned buses on the Vijayawada route, the TSRTC has decided to expand their electric bus fleet to include express, deluxe, and super luxury options for […]
APSRTC Proposes for Electric Buses
The APSRTC has requested the government of Andhra Pradesh to operate 150 electric buses between Tirumala and Tirupati route. The idea was proposed by an expert committee charged with the task of suggesting possible ways to replace the RTC fleet with eco-friendly options.