Tamil Nadu, a land of rich cultural heritage and ancient history, is home to many famous historical places that witness its glorious past. Tamil Nadu offers attractions for history enthusiasts and cultural aficionados, from majestic temples and grand palaces to ancient ruins and colonial-era forts. In this blog post, we journeyed through time to discover […]
News Alert: TNSTC Operate 200 more buses in the weekend
Trichy: The Kumbakonam division of the Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) is taking proactive measures to cater to the heightened demand during the weekend spanning from September 23 to 25. A total of 250 special bus services are being put into operation to address this surge in demand. Notably, approximately 100 buses will be […]
Top 10 Bus Operators in Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu, a vibrant jewel in the southern crown of India, teems with rich cultural heritage, diverse traditions, and picturesque landscapes. Known for its stunning temples with intricate carvings, beautiful hill stations, and a coastline boasting some of the finest beaches, Tamil Nadu never fails to captivate its visitors. The state is home to Chennai, […]