redRail is a leading online train ticket booking platform that makes your train ticket booking experience a breeze. With the help of redRail, you can book your train tickets without any hiccups. This blog post will discuss five ways RedRail makes train ticket booking easier. Experience a Seamless Booking Process When it comes to train […]
How to Get from Chennai to Tirupati by Train?
Tirupati is a spiritual place that attracts many visitors from all over the country. Chennai is the closest metro city to Tirupati and is a hub for travellers looking to make this pilgrimage. This is because Chennai is only 134 km away from Tirupati. Of all available transportation modes on this route, trains are the […]
How to Reach Jodhpur from Delhi via Train?
Every day, 1000s of explorers travel to Jodhpur from Delhi. Their travel mode preference for a cheap, comfortable, and quick journey is the train. More than 8+ Delhi to Jodhpur trains run every day, making it easy for travellers to reach any time. This includes superfast express and budget trains too. Are you planning your […]
Women’s Day Special: Conversation with Asia’s First Female Train Driver Surekha Yadav
What pops up in your mind when you think of Women’s Day? Standing up for gender equality, opportunities and extraordinary achievements. Every year on the 8th of March we celebrate women’s cultural, political and socioeconomic achievements in a variety of disciplines. Women’s Day also serves as a wake-up call for a gender-equal world devoid of […]
India’s 10 Most Stunning Train Rides in 2023
India is a country with a diverse range of cultures, traditions, and topographies. There is no scarcity of spectacular natural beauty in this country, from the soaring Himalayas in the north to the tropical coastlines in the south. Train travel is undoubtedly the best way to experience it all. Taking a train to such destinations […]
Best Places to Visit in Mysore
Mysore was formerly named Mahishuru, after the demon King Mahishasura. But the English renamed it to a more convenient name, Mysore. It is the second-largest city in Karnataka. The city comes alive during the annual Dussehra festival when the famous Mysore Palace hosts the proceedings. The Mysore Railway station connects the city to other cities […]
What Is 2A on a Train?
Are you aware of the different types of train compartments in India? For example, do you know what 2A is on a train? Here is what you need to know about this type of compartment! Indian Railways Coach Types The compartments of the long-distance express trains of Indian Railways are of different types. Each of […]