COVID19 – Safe Travel Tips

safe travel by bus

The recent COVID pandemic forced the suspension of transportation services in India for a long time. After a long gap, the domestic bus services are operational in India on various routes. Buses in some states are operating on limited capacity as per the government orders. While state governments are ensuring their best to provide safe bus services, bus operators are also doing their best. In these times, redBus can help you travel safely to your destination as it follows various safety measures. Read on to know more about safe travel by bus amidst the COVID pandemic. 

Why online ticketing via redBus?

Booking online bus tickets in the current COVID scenario is the best option as it will help you in avoiding the crowd at physical ticketing centres. redBus provides reliable bus services right at your fingertips and accepts online payments. You don’t have to stand in a queue waiting for your bus as redBus will inform you of the exact time of departure, thus saving your time. You can avoid the crowd and can reach the bus station/stop at the time of boarding. 

The bus tracking feature offered by redBus will let you know the location of your bus so that you don’t have to wait in the crowd. E-ticketing not only helps in booking bus tickets in advance but also helps in booking affordable bus tickets. 

Is it safe to travel by bus?

India is currently experiencing the second wave of COVID pandemic, and there is a sudden surge in COVID positive cases. However, commuters require a way of safe travel for various purposes. The intra-state and inter-state movement is currently allowed in India as per government orders. If you are searching the web for ‘is it safe to travel now?’, then redBus is here at your rescue. Bus services are the main form of transportation in the country nowadays as all other means of transportation are operating at a limited capacity and are not highly accessible.

redBus strictly follows the government orders and suspends bus services in red zone areas as per the orders. It is safe to travel now but only with bus services offered by redBus as it ensures passenger safety. redBus also offers various COVID resources to its users so they can assess their destination before travelling. You can check the state-wise COVID information on the redBus online portal.

You can do safe travel from one location to another in India via redBus, but one should cross-check the COVID information of their destination first. If your destination falls under the red zone, then one should avoid travelling to such locations unless it is an emergency. An area is called a red zone by the authorities when it experiences a surge in the number of COVID positive cases.

redBus Safety+ feature

For ensuring passenger safety, redBus came with a Safety+ feature to follow various safety measures while providing bus services. While booking bus tickets on redBus, one should check the Safety+ tag on the bus as those buses will provide you safe travel. redBus is connected with only reliable bus operators in India that are also concerned about passenger safety. Various safety measures followed by Safety+ buses on redBus against the COVID pandemic are as follows:

• All the staff members of the bus will wear a mask at all times. Also, the staff members will undergo regular temperature checks to ensure that they are free from any kind of infection.

• The passengers boarding a Safety+ bus will also have to undergo a temperature check for making sure that the passenger is free from any kind of infection. If any passenger exhibits signs of the COVID disease, then he/she will not be allowed to board a Safety+ bus.

• All the Safety+ buses offered by redBus are deep cleaned (sanitised) at regular intervals to curb coronavirus spread.

• All the Safety+ buses will offer hand sanitisers to passengers to maintain hand hygiene. Any bus’s cost of safety amenities will be included in the bus ticket price displayed on redBus.

• redBus has stopped providing blankets/linens to passengers on Safety+ buses to prevent infection. If you are travelling by a Safety+ bus, it is suggested that you carry your blanket/linen for the bus journey.

Passenger guidelines for safe travel

Safety while travelling by bus in India is also in the hands of the passenger. redBus can answer the question ‘is it safe to travel?’ but you also have to follow various precautions. To ensure safety while travelling by bus, passengers should follow the below-mentioned guidelines:

• Always wear a mask while travelling by bus in India as it will safeguard you against the coronavirus. Many places in India have a strict fine for not wearing a mask as per the order of respective authorities.

• For safe travel amidst the COVID scenario, maintain your hand hygiene and follow social distancing norms. It is better if you carry a hand sanitiser with you while travelling by bus in India.

• Read the COVID guidelines in your destination issued by the respective authorities before travelling. Many locations in India are under night curfew or lockdown as per the order of authorities.

• Avoid physical contact with strangers while travelling by bus in India to curb the spread of the virus. It is suggested to carry all the basic things like a charger, water bottle, etc., with you, so you do not have to lend it from others.

• If you are experiencing any COVID symptoms, avoid travelling by bus and immediately seeking medical attention.

In a nutshell

redBus will provide you with a safe travel experience in India with its Safety+ buses. While booking bus tickets on redBus, you can see which buses are marked under the Safety+ category. Many states in India have banned the movement of non-essential vehicles during curfew hours. It is suggested to refer to the respective state government’s guidelines to avoid any last-minute hassle. Passengers should also understand their duty in stopping the spread of coronavirus and should follow the necessary precautions. Ensure safety while travelling with redBus!

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