Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath marked a significant moment on Sunday as he launched the ‘Mission Mahila Sarathi’ initiative under the state’s Mission Shakti Abhiyan. During this event in Ayodhya, a total of 51 buses were inaugurated, which will be exclusively operated by women serving as both drivers and conductors. This initiative aims to […]
Discovering Lucknow: A Tale of Heritage, Culture, and the Nawabi Charm
Lucknow, the city of Nawabs, is a fascinating blend of history, culture, and architectural marvels. Nestled in the heart of Uttar Pradesh, this vibrant city is a treasure trove of art, music, and delectable cuisine. From grand historical monuments to bustling markets and culinary delights, Lucknow offers a delightful experience for travelers. Let’s embark on […]
What Are the Different Types of Buses Offered by UPSRTC?
UPSRTC (Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation) is among the oldest bus operators in India. UPSRTC started its operations in the state in 1947 only. However, it was referred to as Uttar Pradesh Government Roadways in 1947. Its current name “UPSRTC” was chosen in 1972. Since UPSRTC has been under the state government since its […]
Most Popular Temples of Uttar Pradesh
The state of Uttar Pradesh, in northern India, is known for its many temples. Most temples in Uttar Pradesh display intricate architectural designs that date back several centuries. If you are on a vacation, you can go on a tour of the Uttar Pradesh temples and experience the heritage of these religious sites. 10 Temples […]
Taking a Food Tour of Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh food is world-famous. Several people from all over the world visit India for UP Food. If you reside in India and want to give your taste buds a delicious treat, Uttar Pradesh is your place, and Uttar Pradesh food is your calling. Several food tours take place in Uttar Pradesh. Some of them […]