Nowadays, almost every transaction is online and can be done from your mobile. Train ticket booking is not an exception. You can easily book your train tickets on the redRail app or website from your mobile phone! redRail will show you all available trains on any route across the country. You can easily choose one that is convenient. To learn more about mobile train ticket booking, read on!
Train Ticket Booking on redRail
While many sites allow you to book trains online, it is crucial to choose a reliable one. redRail is an authorised partner of IRCTC, and therefore, all information available is authentic. When you book train tickets through redRail, the site will ensure that all IRCTC guidelines are followed. So there is no need to worry about any issues while booking.
There are a few more reasons why redRail is the best choice for mobile train ticket booking, and please take a look at them in the following points.
- Round-the-clock Customer Support
The redRail support staff are available 24/7 to assist customers with any queries. You can contact the support team if you have any problems with the booking, cancellation, or anything else.
- Easy Cancellation
Cancellation of your train ticket is easy through redRail. All you need to do is log in to your account and select the booking from “My Bookings”. You can choose to cancel tickets for all passengers in your booking, or just one.
- Refunds Available
redRail assures instant refunds according to cancellation policies. Suppose the policy states that you will receive a refund upon cancellation. In that case, redRail will grant that immediately through the UPI payment mode.
- Select the Class for Seats
Like the IRCTC site, redRail allows you to select the class of seats during train ticket booking. You can even decide what berth you would like to receive if your ticket is confirmed. Selection of class for seats is easy and quick through redRail.
- Safe Payment Options
redRail provides numerous payment options. You can choose from UPI, credit card, debit card or other online options to pay for your train ticket. All payment options are secure, and there is no chance of a scam.
Why Choose redRail

Completing an IRCTC train ticket booking from a mobile browser is often challenging. But redRail makes things easier and faster, and you should choose it because of the convenient booking process.
You can book a train ticket directly from the redRail website or after creating an account. It is best to create an account because it becomes easy to access your bookings and cancel them if necessary.
Since redRail is an IRCTC authorised partner, you can book the train tickets using your IRCTC user ID and password. This ensures that your booking is authentic.
When you book through redRail, you can book for up to six passengers! So this is the best option if you are travelling with friends and family. If you are booking a Tatkal train ticket, you can select up to four passengers during one booking.
Once you complete your train ticket booking through redRail, you will receive the ticket on your mobile, via WhatsApp and email. redRail will also send a text message with all information regarding your ticket. You can show the online ticket at the time of boarding, and there is no need to print an
As a promotional offer, redRail is introducing Zero Service Fee and No PG Charges. When you book your train ticket, you will not have to pay any additional service charges to redRail or payment gateway fees. So, if you are planning your next trip, choose redRail for all train ticket bookings!